Best 15 Science Facts - Myfactshub
15 Facts your can not believe on it but it's true impress your friends around the world.
#1. The human stomach can dissolve razor blades.
On the rare occasion that you swallow a razor blade, do not worry. The human body is more capable than you think. Acids are graded on a scale from 0 to 14 - the lower the pH level, the stronger the acidity. Human stomach acid is usually 1.0 to 2.0, which means it has a strong pH. In one study, scientists found that "thickening of a single stained blade" dissolved in the stomach two hours after being submerged in acid.
#2. A laser can trap water.
Yeah, really. A cool object called cool interior reflection is applied when detecting a laser beam through a water container. When light travels through water, it slows down with heavy particles in the water, as described here. In this way, the laser beam is effectively "trapped" in water.
#3 Earth's oxygen is produced by the ocean.
Ever wondered where the oxygen comes from? Your first idea may be a rain forest, but marine organisms take advantage of it. Plankton, pirate and other photo synthesizers make up half of the world's oxygen. We know the answer to this science fact, but here are other mysteries of the ocean that scientists cannot explain.
#4. Earth's magnetic field is used for animal orientation.
Lost land animals cannot find their way home, but may be marine animals. According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), "there is evidence that some animals, such as sea turtles and salmon, are capable of understanding the earth's magnetic field and using that feeling for navigation. "
#5. A cloud weighs over a million pounds.
The reality of your childhood dreams of floating on a lightweight cloud may rain with the fact: The average cumulus cloud can hold up to one million pounds. One million pounds! It's as heavy as the world's largest passenger jet. Before hopping on an airplane, it's important to check the weather these Here's how to predict the weather with such clouds.
#6. The soil is alive and well.
The US Department of Agriculture said that only one teaspoon of soil contains more microorganisms than those on the planet. "Millions of species and billions of organisms - bacteria, algae, microscopic insects, mattresses, daughters, ants, flavors, fungi and more - represent the largest concentration of biomass anywhere on the planet."
#7. Mice laugh at being tickled.
We think these creatures are more dynamic. Mice have the ability to "laugh" when tickled. Mice respond positively to tickling, National Geographic Video reported. They even chase the researcher's hand in a playful way.
#8. Our galaxy has more trees on Earth than stars.
NASA experts believe the galaxy can be anywhere from 100 billion to 400 billion stars in the galaxy. However, according to a 2015 article published in the journal Nature, the number of trees worldwide is enormous: 3.04 trillion.
#9. Is the color of oxygen.
As a gas, oxygen is odorless and colorless. However, in its liquid and solid forms, it looks light blue. Some science facts are just weird.
#10. Only one letter does not appear in periodic tables.
This letter is J. Go ahead and double-check. We will wait Don't miss out on "facts" that are not actually true.
#11 Bananas are radioactive.
One of our weird science facts is bananas, bananas contain potassium, and since potassium is depleted, they are slightly radioactive. But this is not something you need to worry about. According to the Forbes report, you will need to eat 10,000,000 bananas together to die of radiation poisoning.
#12. Hot water is colder than cold water.
This fact may seem contradictory, but it is called the mpimba effect, after which an Aristotle mpimba student from Tanzania tells his teacher that ice cream is frozen faster than cold by a cold mix. Scientists now believe that this is because the speed of the particles of water has a special status when they are hot, which makes it easily freeze. If this proves true, this finding could have implications for everyday life, such as cooling electronic devices.
#13. Cold water is hot up faster than hot water.
Researchers who investigated the cause of the Mepima effect also discovered this. They surprisingly named this phenomenon the reverse Mpiba effect.
#14. Humans belong to the fungi.
A 2015 study by the University of Cambridge shows that mankind has evolved with plant-derived genes. According to the Telegraph report, because of these results, researchers acknowledge that about 1 percent of the human genome was derived from plants. So all those times your architect's uncle called himself "fungi"? He was, in fact, the right kind.
#15. But don't worry. We have a lot of DNA. |
Scientists predict that there are more than 3 billion base pairs of DNA in the human gene and more than 25,000 genes in the human genome. A complete copy of this genome is present in each of the 10 trillion cells in the human body. If all the DNA was lined up, it would determine the distance between the earth and the sun 100 times. Don't miss the mystery of the human body that no one can solve.
very good facts i never seen before this